Learn how to go back to work and explore all your opportunities

Many people who receive Social Security disability benefits are afraid to attempt returning to work for fear of the effect it can have on their SSDI, SSI , Medicare and other benefits. Anyone who has been through the approval process for Social Security disability knows how long it can take. It’s understandable that Social Security disability recipients are hesitant to go through that process again. Do not worry any more, you have rights and we can help you in this process. At D & B Computer Services we are ready to guide you in accomplish yours goal to go back to work with The Ticket to work in North Miami Beach.

The Ticket to Work program helps people with disabilities who are receiving Social Security benefits explore employment opportunities and strive for financial independence. The Department of Labor publishes the employment rates for young adults (ages 20-24) with disabilities and young adults without disabilities. In April of this year, the employment rate for young adults with a disability was 30%, versus 62% for young adults without a disability. In May the figures changed only slightly with employment for young adults with a disability increasing to 34% and the employment rate for young adults without a disability remaining unchanged at 62%. The two events this month are an effort by the SSA to narrow this gap. 

Our professionals provide a level of personal service and customer care you deserve.  Call us (305) 945-1931, or swing by our office located at 1434 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 and let our professionals assist you with all you needs to go back to work.   http://www.dnbcomputer.org/

