The Ticket to work, come to get all information you need in North Miami Beach

Being on social security disability does not mean that you can never work again. You may not be able to do what you do before your illness or your accident that out you in disability. There is a program called 'Ticket to Work'. In this program, you will be trained a way to get back into the work force. Yes, you can get back your ability to work again and earn your own income. The really good part is while you are getting trained you will keep all your disability benefits. The news is even better, even after you get a job, you will not lose your benefits for a transition period.  

Having an accident or getting a disease will alter your life is do many bad ways. Losing your ability to work and losing your financial independence is another bad step in life altering changes that you had to accept. With this program, you can get some of your financial independence, you can get back a lot of your self respect. Yes, you may be back working again. New training and s new career.  All that at no risk to losing your benefits while you are in the program.

Our professionals in D & B Computer Services provide a level of personal service and customer care which has become scarce in this days. Call us at  (305) 343.7038 and  (305) 945-1931, or walking in to our office located at 1434 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 and let our professionals assist you with all your needs.
