Full-Service Computer Repair Center in North Miami Beach

D & B Computer Services in North Miami Beach offers full-service hardware repair for any type of PC. No matter what’s wrong with your PC, we’ll find the problem and get you back up and running so you can get back to work quickly!

We also provide hardware upgrades for many popular computer models. If you’re not in the market for a new PC, there are many upgrades we can perform to give your PC a quick boost.

D & B Computer Services have been servicing North Miami Beach since 2005. 

D & B  Computer Services, Satisfaction is our goal!

Belkis Pimentel
D & B Computer Services
One Stop Business Solutions!
We make your business GROW!
1434 NE 163rd Street
North Miami Beach, FL  33162
Office:  305-945-1931
Fax:  305-402-0990


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