Computer Repair, data recovery, virus removal, broken screen in North Miami Beach

Image result for Computer Repair

Computer Repair: Desktop & Laptop: Wherever you bought your computer, whatever the brand, we can repair it for you.

Laptop Screen Repair

All Brands: Broken screens are the most common laptop, phone, and tablet repair - and we can fix it

Image result for Computer VirusComputer Virus
Check & Removal: Don't let your system be one of the millions of systems that are compromised - and painfully slow!

Data Recovery

Hard Drives, RAID, Flash Drives: Don’t let a failed hard drive, broken flash drive or damaged camera card steal your memories or compromise important records - recovery

Apple Repair

Image result for Apple RepairiMac, MacBook, Mac mini: Our Certified Apple repair specialists, utilizing Apple proprietary software and parts obtained directly from Apple, will repair your system Safeguard Data and Photos: Don't underestimate how much valuable data is on your computer. Back up your data or let us do it for you.

Our professionals in D & B Computer Services provide a level of personal service and customer care which has become scarce in this days. Call us at  (305) 343.7038 and  (305) 945-1931, or walking in to our office located at 1434 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 and let our professionals assist you with all your


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