Virus removal D & B Computer Services North Miami Beach

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Is your computer acting strange lately? Your computer slows down without no reason or you receive unusual messages on your monitor asking you to buy some “antivirus”  programs? Are some of your files become corrupted or suddenly don’t work properly or some programs or files are suddenly missing?

Is your internet connection not working lately, or you are being redirected to strange web pages?

Those are the certain signs of a virus or ad-ware infection.

Schedule an appointment with us and let our virus removal D & B Computer Services  North Mimi Beach team check your computer on site or just pass by our computer repair shop and we can remove the virus infection.

We offer to our customer the following services:

Internet Cafe, Notary, Copies, Fax, Scan, Translations
Iphone Repair, Ipad Repair, Smart phones
Computer Repair (data recovery, virus removal, broken screen, laptop and desktop)
Printing, Business Card, Flyers, Postcards
Taxes, Access Florida Application

Our professionals in D&B Computer Services provide a level of personal service and customer care which has become scarce in this days. Call us at  (305) 343.7038 and  (305) 945-1931, or walking in to our office located at 1434 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 and let our professionals assist you with all your needs. 

Belkis Pimentel
D & B Computer Services
One Stop Business Solutions!
We make your business GROW!
1434 NE 163rd Street
North Miami Beach, FL  33162
Office:  305-945-1931

Fax:  305-402-0990


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